Be in The Center
The Scriptures reveal that our heart is the control or command-centre of our life. As described in Quran: “….. and know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered.” (Al-Anfal: 24). In the Bible, ”Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart” (Matthew 22:37). Ibn Arabi wrote in Futuhat: “The heart is His Throne and not delimited by any specific attribute, but it possesses all the Divine attributes and names.”
The heart is the locus of Divine self-disclosures within human existence. Vision of the Divine Presence can be attained through the eye of the heart. As Ibn Arabi says: “For the hearts are eternally and unceasingly, by their very primordial nature, polished and pure and resplendent (mirrors of God). Therefore every heart in which the Presence of God is manifest insofar as the Theophany of the divine Essence.”
Purity of the heart is a path and preparation to experience unveilings Divine Presence.
Perpetual remembrance of God is essential for purification of the heart. Through remembrance of God we are focusing ourselves to be in the center. As Ibn Arabi says: